HPEA 500
The Lab High-Pressure Extraction-Adsorption Unit
is designed for process development and parameter studies. Solid material is placed inside the extractor. Substances extracted by a solvent like compressed CO2 in this first stage pass a second stage of reaction/conversion or adsorption that takes place at independant pressure /temperature conditions. The process may be conducted in a single passing or cycle modus.
J. Ivanovic, S. Milovanovic, M. Stamenic, M.A. Fanovich, P. Jaeger, I. Zizovic: Application of an Integrated Supercritical Extraction and Impregnation Process for Incorporation of Thyme Extracts into Different Carriers, chapter 9 (pp. 257-280) in J. Osborne (Ed.): Handbook on Supercritical Fluids: Fundamentals, Properties and Applications, Nova 2014.
M.A. Fanovich, J. Ivanovic, I. Zizovic, D. Misic, P. Jaeger:
Functionalization of polycaprolactone/ hydroxyapatite scaffolds with Usnea lethariiformis extract by using supercritical CO2, Materials Science and Engineering C 58 (2016) 204–212.
Lukic, J. Pajnik, V. Tadic, S. Milovanovic: Supercritical CO2-assisted processes for development of added-value
materials: OptimizationI. of starch aerogels preparation and hemp seed extracts impregnation, Journal of CO2 Utilization 61 (2022) 10203, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcou.2022.102036.